버전정보 확인
uname -a
HP-UX vm180 B.11.31 U ia64 1093482152
unlimited-user license
시스템 모델 정보
ia64 hp server Integrity Virtual Machine
11.31에서 쓰는 가장 기본적인 시스템 확인 명령어
root@vm180 [/root]
# machinfo
CPU info:
2 Intel(R) Itanium 2 9100 series processors (1.42 GHz, 6 MB)
266 MHz bus, CPU version A1
Memory: 2042 MB (1.99 GB)
Firmware info:
Firmware revision: 04.30.00
FP SWA driver revision: 1.18
IPMI is supported on this system.
BMC firmware revision: 4.1e
Platform info:
Model: "ia64 hp server Integrity Virtual Machine"
Machine ID number: 412d36a8-985d-11e3-ae06-0017a451f6da
Machine serial number: VM01407000
OS info:
Nodename: vm180
Release: HP-UX B.11.31
Version: U (unlimited-user license)
Machine: ia64
ID Number: 1093482152
vmunix _release_version:
@(#) $Revision: vmunix: B.11.31_LR FLAVOR=perf
디테일 시스템정보
print_manifest | more
NOTE: Could not read the /etc/resolv.conf
System Information
Your Hewlett-Packard computer has software installed and
configured as follows.
The system was created February 18, 2014, 16:54:07 KST.
It was created with Ignite-UX revision C.7.10.474.
NOTE: You should retain this information
for future reference.
System Hardware
Model: ia64 hp server
Integrity Virtual
Main Memory: 2042 MB
Processors: 2
2 Intel(R) Itanium 2 9100 series processors (1.42 GHz, 6 MB)
266 MHz bus, CPU version
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