root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -s depot @ vm180:/kjbdepot -x autoreboot=true EchoApp
ERROR: While reading the command line the "@" symbol was found
preceeding command line options. Unpredictable results can
occur so parsing is terminating. The "@" symbol delineates
targets. It must follow all command line options and software
ERROR: Command line parsing failed.
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot -x autoreboot=true EchoApp
ERROR: While reading the command line an error was found for the
option "-x autoreboot". The keyword or its value may be
incorrect or the keyword does not apply to this command.
ERROR: Command line parsing failed.
root@vm185 [/root]
# swinstall -s vm180:/kjbdepot -x autoreboot=true EchoApp
======= 02/28/14 16:19:18 KST BEGIN swinstall SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm185-0001)
* Session started for user "root@vm185".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Source connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Source: vm180:/kjbdepot
* Targets: vm185:/
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm185-0001 @ vm185:/".
======= 02/28/14 16:19:34 KST END swinstall SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist EchoApp
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm185"...
# Target: vm185:/
# EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
EchoApp.ECHOAPP-HELP-DOC A.1.00 On-line help for EchoApp
EchoApp.ECHOAPP-MISC-DOC A.1.00 Text files for EchoApp
EchoApp.ECHOAPP-RUNTIME A.1.00 Runtime executables for EchoApp
root@vm185 [/root]
# /opt/EchoApp/
root@vm185 [/root]
# /opt/echoapp/bin/echoapp
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