root@vm180 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
root@vm180 [/root]
root@vm180 [/root]
# swremove -d \* @ /kjbdepot
======= 02/28/14 16:44:55 KST BEGIN swremove SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm180-0006)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Analysis succeeded.
* Beginning Execution
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0006 @ vm180:/kjbdepot".
======= 02/28/14 16:44:55 KST END swremove SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm180 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
ERROR: The expected depot or root does not exist at "/kjbdepot".
ERROR: There is currently no depot software on host "vm180" at
location "/kjbdepot". Make sure that an absolute pathname is
specified for location (beginning with "/").
2014년 2월 28일 금요일
hp-ux depot파일 내용 일부 지우기
root@vm180 [/root]
# swremove -d PHSS_01111 @ /kjbdepot
======= 02/28/14 16:43:15 KST BEGIN swremove SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm180-0005)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Analysis succeeded.
* Beginning Execution
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0005 @ vm180:/kjbdepot".
======= 02/28/14 16:43:15 KST END swremove SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm180 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
# swremove -d PHSS_01111 @ /kjbdepot
======= 02/28/14 16:43:15 KST BEGIN swremove SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm180-0005)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Analysis succeeded.
* Beginning Execution
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0005 @ vm180:/kjbdepot".
======= 02/28/14 16:43:15 KST END swremove SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm180 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
hp-ux depot 원격 삭제
root@vm180 [/root]
# swremove vm180:/kjbdepot PHSS_01111 @ vm185
======= 02/28/14 16:40:43 KST BEGIN swremove SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm180-0004)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm185:/".
ERROR: Could not remove the software selection "vm180:/kjbdepot"; it
is not available from depot or root "vm185:/".
* Software selection failed for "vm185:/".
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Analysis succeeded.
* Beginning Execution
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0004 @ vm185:/".
======= 02/28/14 16:40:47 KST END swremove SESSION (non-interactive)
# swremove vm180:/kjbdepot PHSS_01111 @ vm185
======= 02/28/14 16:40:43 KST BEGIN swremove SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm180-0004)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm185:/".
ERROR: Could not remove the software selection "vm180:/kjbdepot"; it
is not available from depot or root "vm185:/".
* Software selection failed for "vm185:/".
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Analysis succeeded.
* Beginning Execution
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0004 @ vm185:/".
======= 02/28/14 16:40:47 KST END swremove SESSION (non-interactive)
클라이언트에가서 확인
# /opt/echoapp/bin/echoapp
(('' . `)))))),
| @ ;-. (((((
`| / ) )))/~~~~~~~~~~__\__---~~__--~~--_
| | | (/ /__-----~~ ,;::' \
o_); ; / / \,-~~~\ |
; ( / `:::| |;|
| _ `----~~~~' / `:| \;\
______/\/~ / / \/
/~;;.____/;;' / ___----( `;;;/
/ // _;______;'------~~~~~ |;;/\ /
// | | / | \;;,\
(<_ | ; /',/-----' _>
\_| ||_ //~;~~~~~~~~~
`\_| (,~~
root@vm185 [/var/adm/sw/save/PHSS_01111]
hp 원격 depot 설치 (배포 push)
우선 depot을 만들어 두고
root@vm180 [/kjbdepot]
# swcopy -s /labs/depots/PHSS_01111.depot PHSS_01111 @ /kjbdepot
======= 02/28/14 16:28:39 KST BEGIN swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Source: /labs/depots/PHSS_01111.depot
* Targets: vm180:/kjbdepot
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0002 @ vm180:/kjbdepot".
======= 02/28/14 16:28:40 KST END swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm180 [/kjbdepot]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
PHSS_01111 1.0 EchoApp picture needs work
root@vm180 [/kjbdepot]
# swcopy -s /labs/depots/PHSS_01111.depot PHSS_01111 @ /kjbdepot
======= 02/28/14 16:28:39 KST BEGIN swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Source: /labs/depots/PHSS_01111.depot
* Targets: vm180:/kjbdepot
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0002 @ vm180:/kjbdepot".
======= 02/28/14 16:28:40 KST END swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm180 [/kjbdepot]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
PHSS_01111 1.0 EchoApp picture needs work
키를 만들고
root@vm180 [/kjbdepot]
# touch /var/adm/sw/.sdkey
root@vm185 [/root]
# /usr/lbin/sw/setaccess vm180
* Setting SD host and root ACLs for root@vm180 ...
* The host object ACL was replaced by root@vm185. 02/28/14
16:37:44 KST
* The root object ACL for path / was replaced by root@vm185.
02/28/14 16:37:44 KST
* The host SOC template ACL was replaced by root@vm185.
02/28/14 16:37:45 KST
* The host product template ACL was replaced by root@vm185.
02/28/14 16:37:45 KST
root@vm185 [/root]
# swacl -l root
# swacl Installed Software Access Control List
# For host: vm185:/
# Date: Fri Feb 28 16:37:50 2014
# Object Ownership: User= root
# Group=sys
# Realm=vm185
# default_realm=vm185
root@vm185 [/root]
# /usr/lbin/sw/setaccess vm180
* Setting SD host and root ACLs for root@vm180 ...
* The host object ACL was replaced by root@vm185. 02/28/14
16:37:44 KST
* The root object ACL for path / was replaced by root@vm185.
02/28/14 16:37:44 KST
* The host SOC template ACL was replaced by root@vm185.
02/28/14 16:37:45 KST
* The host product template ACL was replaced by root@vm185.
02/28/14 16:37:45 KST
root@vm185 [/root]
# swacl -l root
# swacl Installed Software Access Control List
# For host: vm185:/
# Date: Fri Feb 28 16:37:50 2014
# Object Ownership: User= root
# Group=sys
# Realm=vm185
# default_realm=vm185
root@vm180 [/root]
# swinstall -s vm180:/kjbdepot PHSS_01111 @ vm185
======= 02/28/14 16:36:41 KST BEGIN swinstall SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm180-0003)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Source connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Source: vm180:/kjbdepot
* Targets: vm185:/
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0003 @ vm185:/".
======= 02/28/14 16:36:45 KST END swinstall SESSION (non-interactive)
설치 완료
root@vm180 [/root]
# swlist PHSS_01111 @ vm185
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm185"...
# Target: vm185:/
# PHSS_01111 1.0 EchoApp picture needs work
root@vm185 [/root]
# /opt/echoapp/bin/echoapp
//| ,|
//,/ -~ |
// / | _-~ / ,
/'/ / / _-~ _/_-~ |
( ( / /' _ -~ _-~ ,/'
\~\/'/| __--~~__--\ _-~ _/,
,,)))))));, \/~-_ __--~~ --~~ __/~ _-~ /
__))))))))))))));,>/\ / __--~~ \-~~ _-~
-\(((((''''(((((((( >~\/ --~~ __--~' _-~ ~|
--==//////(('' . `)))))), / ___---~~ ~~\~~__--~
))| @ ;-. (((((/ __--~~~'~~/
( `| / ) )))/ ~~~~~__\__---~~__--~~--_
| | | (/ ---~~~/__-----~~ ,;::' \ ,
o_); ; / ----~~/ \,-~~~\ | /|
; ( ---~~/ `:::| |;| < >
| _ `----~~~~' / `:| \;\_____//
______/\/~ | SURPRISE! / / ~------~
/~;;.____/;;' / PHSS_01111__----( `;;;/
/ // _;______;'------~~~~~ |;;/\ /
// | | / | \;;,\
(<_ | ; /',/-----' _>
\_| ||_ //~;~~~~~~~~~
`\_| (,~~
hp 원격 depot 설치(pull 당겨서 설치)
depot 만들기에 이어서 설치를 해보자
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -s depot @ vm180:/kjbdepot -x autoreboot=true EchoApp
ERROR: While reading the command line the "@" symbol was found
preceeding command line options. Unpredictable results can
occur so parsing is terminating. The "@" symbol delineates
targets. It must follow all command line options and software
ERROR: Command line parsing failed.
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -s vm180:/kjbdepot -x autoreboot=true EchoApp
ERROR: While reading the command line an error was found for the
option "-x autoreboot". The keyword or its value may be
incorrect or the keyword does not apply to this command.
ERROR: Command line parsing failed.
root@vm185 [/root]
# swinstall -s vm180:/kjbdepot -x autoreboot=true EchoApp
======= 02/28/14 16:19:18 KST BEGIN swinstall SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=vm185-0001)
* Session started for user "root@vm185".
* Beginning Selection
* Target connection succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Source connection succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Source: vm180:/kjbdepot
* Targets: vm185:/
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm185:/".
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm185-0001 @ vm185:/".
======= 02/28/14 16:19:34 KST END swinstall SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist EchoApp
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm185"...
# Target: vm185:/
# EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
EchoApp.ECHOAPP-HELP-DOC A.1.00 On-line help for EchoApp
EchoApp.ECHOAPP-MISC-DOC A.1.00 Text files for EchoApp
EchoApp.ECHOAPP-RUNTIME A.1.00 Runtime executables for EchoApp
root@vm185 [/root]
# /opt/EchoApp/
root@vm185 [/root]
# /opt/echoapp/bin/echoapp
(('' . `)))))),
| @ ;-. (((((
`| / ) )))/~~~~~~~~~~__\__---~~__--~~--_
| | | (/ /__-----~~ ,;::' \
o_); ; / / \,-~~~\ |
; ( / `:::| |;|
| _ `----~~~~' / `:| \;\
______/\/~ / / \/
/~;;.____/;;' / ___----( `;;;/
/ // _;______;'------~~~~~ |;;/\ /
// | | / | \;;,\
(<_ | ; /',/-----' _>
\_| ||_ //~;~~~~~~~~~
`\_| (,~~
hp-ux depot 만들기
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# ll
total 256
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 20480 Sep 6 2003 PHSS_01111.depot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 51200 Sep 12 2003 echoapp+patch.depot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 40960 Sep 6 2003 echoapp.depot
drwxr-xr-x 4 root sys 8192 Sep 21 2010 echoapp.reference
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# ls
PHSS_01111.depot echoapp.depot
echoapp+patch.depot echoapp.reference
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# mkdir /kjbdepot
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# swcopy -s /labs/depots/echoapp.depot EchoApp @ /kjbdepot
======= 02/28/14 15:47:56 KST BEGIN swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* "vm180:/kjbdepot": This target does not exist and will be
* Source: /labs/depots/echoapp.depot
* Targets: vm180:/kjbdepot
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0001 @ vm180:/kjbdepot".
======= 02/28/14 15:47:58 KST END swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# cd /kjbdepot/
root@vm180 [/kjbdepot]
# ll
total 32
dr-x------ 5 root sys 96 Feb 28 15:47 EchoApp
dr-x------ 4 root sys 8192 Feb 28 15:47 catalog
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 1352 Feb 28 15:47 swagent.log
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# ll
total 256
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 20480 Sep 6 2003 PHSS_01111.depot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 51200 Sep 12 2003 echoapp+patch.depot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 40960 Sep 6 2003 echoapp.depot
drwxr-xr-x 4 root sys 8192 Sep 21 2010 echoapp.reference
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# ls
PHSS_01111.depot echoapp.depot
echoapp+patch.depot echoapp.reference
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# mkdir /kjbdepot
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# swcopy -s /labs/depots/echoapp.depot EchoApp @ /kjbdepot
======= 02/28/14 15:47:56 KST BEGIN swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
* Session started for user "root@vm180".
* Beginning Selection
* "vm180:/kjbdepot": This target does not exist and will be
* Source: /labs/depots/echoapp.depot
* Targets: vm180:/kjbdepot
* Software selections:
* Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* The execution phase succeeded for "vm180:/kjbdepot".
* Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log vm180-0001 @ vm180:/kjbdepot".
======= 02/28/14 15:47:58 KST END swcopy SESSION (non-interactive)
root@vm180 [/labs/depots]
# cd /kjbdepot/
root@vm180 [/kjbdepot]
# ll
total 32
dr-x------ 5 root sys 96 Feb 28 15:47 EchoApp
dr-x------ 4 root sys 8192 Feb 28 15:47 catalog
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 1352 Feb 28 15:47 swagent.log
클라이언트 에서
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -l depot @vm180
# Initializing...
# Target "vm180" has the following depot(s):
root@vm185 [/root]
# swlist -d @ vm180:/kjbdepot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "vm180"...
# Target: vm180:/kjbdepot
# No Bundle(s) on vm180:/kjbdepot
# Product(s):
EchoApp A.1.00 EchoApp Lab Exercise
hp-ux ssh 서비스 기동
root@vm180 [/root]
# ps -ef | grep sshd
root 978 1 0 Feb 26 ? 0:00 /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd
root@vm180 [/root]
# /sbin/init.d/secsh stop
HP-UX Secure Shell stopped
root@vm180 [/root]
# ps -ef | grep sshd
root 7959 2227 0 10:26:46 console 0:00 grep sshd
root@vm180 [/root]
root@vm180 [/root]
# netstat -an | grep "*.22"
root@vm180 [/root]
# /sbin/init.d/secsh start
HP-UX Secure Shell started
root@vm180 [/root]
# netstat -an | grep "*.22"
tcp 0 0 *.22 *.* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *.22 *.* LISTEN
root@vm180 [/root]
#vi /etc/opt/ssh/sshd_config
위파일을 편집하면 ssh셋팅을 바꿀수 있다.
# ps -ef | grep sshd
root 978 1 0 Feb 26 ? 0:00 /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd
root@vm180 [/root]
# /sbin/init.d/secsh stop
HP-UX Secure Shell stopped
root@vm180 [/root]
# ps -ef | grep sshd
root 7959 2227 0 10:26:46 console 0:00 grep sshd
root@vm180 [/root]
root@vm180 [/root]
# netstat -an | grep "*.22"
root@vm180 [/root]
# /sbin/init.d/secsh start
HP-UX Secure Shell started
root@vm180 [/root]
# netstat -an | grep "*.22"
tcp 0 0 *.22 *.* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *.22 *.* LISTEN
root@vm180 [/root]
#vi /etc/opt/ssh/sshd_config
위파일을 편집하면 ssh셋팅을 바꿀수 있다.
피드 구독하기:
글 (Atom)