2020년 9월 10일 목요일
xm console enter and exit
Execute the xm console < vm-name > command. Type 1 . The current configuration status and the server log are displayed. To exit the VM console, use Ctrl + ] .
2020년 9월 3일 목요일
How to get the DRAC IP address from the localhost
I believe what you're looking for is this:
[root]# racadm getniccfg
NIC Enabled = 1
DHCP Enabled = 0
IP Address =
Subnet Mask =
Gateway =
(Note, above settings are the defaults for DRAC)
How to find ILO IP address of HP server running on Linux
To find ILO ip address we need hponcfg tool which can be installed using following package “hponcfg-4.3.0-0.x86_64”
using following command you can get ILO IP address
hponcfg -w /tmp/ilo.out
cat /tmp/ilo.out
2020년 9월 1일 화요일
How to specify the MAC addresses for LLT interfaces in a cluster.
systemA:~# lltstat -nvv
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
* 0 systemA OPEN
ce4 UP 00:14:4F:44:88:51
ce10 UP 00:14:4F:67:6E:BB
1 systemB OPEN
ce4 UP 00:14:4F:67:5B:ED
ce10 DOWN 00:14:4F:44:88:1F
LLT node information:
Node State Link Status Address
* 0 systemA OPEN
ce4 UP 00:14:4F:44:88:51
ce10 UP 00:14:4F:67:6E:BB
1 systemB OPEN
ce4 UP 00:14:4F:67:5B:ED
ce10 DOWN 00:14:4F:44:88:1F
2020년 8월 31일 월요일
tsr log linux
- To collect the system information data.
racadm supportassist collect -t Sysinfo
- To collect the filtered data.
racadm supportassist collect -t Debug –filter
- To collect the data and export to a NFS network share:
racadm supportassist collect -t SysInfo,TTYLog -l
- To collect the data and upload to the Dell support assist server.
racadm supportassist collect -t Sysinfo -upload
- To collect the data and export to a local share. This is allowed only from a remote or a local RACADM.
racadm supportassist collect -t ttylog -f tsr.zip
- To collect the data and export to a remote share as well as to the Dell support assist server.
racadm supportassist collect -t Debug -l // -u myuser -p mypass -upload
- To export the last collected SupportAssist data, to a CIFS share
racadm supportassist exportlastcollection -l // -u myuser -p mypass
- To export the collected SupportAssist data to a CIFS or NFS share. The default share details must be updated for this command to work.
racadm supportassist exportlastcollection
- To accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).
racadm supportassist accepteula
- To check the End User License Agreement (EULA) status.
racadm supportassist geteulastatus
- To register the iDRAC for SupportAssist features.
racadm supportassist register -pfname micheal -plname dell -pmnumber 9999988888 -panumber 8888899999 -pmailid micheal_dell@dell.com -sfname sourav -slname ganguly -smnumber 9999977777 -sanumber 7777799999 -smailid sourav_ganguly@dell.com -company dell -street1 bagmanetechpark -street2 cvramannagar -city bangalore -state karnataka -country india -zip 560093
- To upload the last collection to the Dell SupportAssist server.
racadm supportassist uploadlastcollection
- To expose the iSM installer to the host OS for the iSM installation.
racadm supportassist exposeisminstallertohostos
- To Schedule auto collection of SupportAssist data weekly.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 4:05am -dow sunday -rp weekly
- To schedule auto collection of the SupportAssist data monthly.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 7:55pm -dom 20 -rp monthly
- To schedule auto collection of the SupportAssist data quarterly.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 7:55am -wom 2 -dow monday -rp quarterly
- To view the auto collection data.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler view
- To clear the auto collection data.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler clear
2020년 8월 28일 금요일
Change IP of iDRAC from linux
If you install OpenManage onto the host, you can apply an IP address to the iDRAC that way. OpenManage would provide a graphical tool, but if this is a headless install, it would also provide the racadm command set.
racadm setniccfg -s <IPv4 address> <Subnet> <IPv4 Gateway>
2020년 6월 4일 목요일
How to use racadm to get raid rebuild percentage?
OpenManage CLI command. There is a CLI guid on the OpenManage Server Administrator support page. The command would be something like this:
omreport storage pdisk controller=0
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