To find ILO ip address we need hponcfg tool which can be installed using following package “hponcfg-4.3.0-0.x86_64”
using following command you can get ILO IP address
hponcfg -w /tmp/ilo.out
cat /tmp/ilo.out
To find ILO ip address we need hponcfg tool which can be installed using following package “hponcfg-4.3.0-0.x86_64”
using following command you can get ILO IP address
hponcfg -w /tmp/ilo.out
cat /tmp/ilo.out
racadm supportassist collect -t Sysinfo
racadm supportassist collect -t Debug –filter
racadm supportassist collect -t SysInfo,TTYLog -l
racadm supportassist collect -t Sysinfo -upload
racadm supportassist collect -t ttylog -f
racadm supportassist collect -t Debug -l // -u myuser -p mypass -upload
racadm supportassist exportlastcollection -l // -u myuser -p mypass
racadm supportassist exportlastcollection
racadm supportassist accepteula
racadm supportassist geteulastatus
racadm supportassist register -pfname micheal -plname dell -pmnumber 9999988888 -panumber 8888899999 -pmailid -sfname sourav -slname ganguly -smnumber 9999977777 -sanumber 7777799999 -smailid -company dell -street1 bagmanetechpark -street2 cvramannagar -city bangalore -state karnataka -country india -zip 560093
racadm supportassist uploadlastcollection
racadm supportassist exposeisminstallertohostos
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 4:05am -dow sunday -rp weekly
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 7:55pm -dom 20 -rp monthly
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 7:55am -wom 2 -dow monday -rp quarterly
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler view
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler clear
If you install OpenManage onto the host, you can apply an IP address to the iDRAC that way. OpenManage would provide a graphical tool, but if this is a headless install, it would also provide the racadm command set.
racadm setniccfg -s <IPv4 address> <Subnet> <IPv4 Gateway>
OpenManage CLI command. There is a CLI guid on the OpenManage Server Administrator support page. The command would be something like this:
omreport storage pdisk controller=0
If you are receiving a message similar to…
Jan 15 22:12:36 ip-10-0-0-133 postfix/postdrop[8301]:warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/939392.8301: Permission denied
Jan 15 22:12:37 ip-10-0-0-133 postfix/postdrop[8302]:warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/8821.8302: Permission denied
Jan 15 22:12:37 ip-10-0-0-133 postfix/postdrop[8303]:warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/14290.8303: Permission denied
You probably have a permission issue with your Postfix installation. This is usually caused by a bad upgrade or maybe user error when moving or recovering mail folders.
This can easily be solved by running the following commands below as root.
/etc/init.d/postfix stop
killall -9 postdrop
chgrp -R postdrop /var/spool/postfix/public
chgrp -R postdrop /var/spool/postfix/maildrop
/usr/sbin/postfix set-permissions
postfix check
/etc/init.d/postfix start
This should work on just about any Linux distro.