- To collect the system information data.
racadm supportassist collect -t Sysinfo
- To collect the filtered data.
racadm supportassist collect -t Debug –filter
- To collect the data and export to a NFS network share:
racadm supportassist collect -t SysInfo,TTYLog -l
- To collect the data and upload to the Dell support assist server.
racadm supportassist collect -t Sysinfo -upload
- To collect the data and export to a local share. This is allowed only from a remote or a local RACADM.
racadm supportassist collect -t ttylog -f tsr.zip
- To collect the data and export to a remote share as well as to the Dell support assist server.
racadm supportassist collect -t Debug -l // -u myuser -p mypass -upload
- To export the last collected SupportAssist data, to a CIFS share
racadm supportassist exportlastcollection -l // -u myuser -p mypass
- To export the collected SupportAssist data to a CIFS or NFS share. The default share details must be updated for this command to work.
racadm supportassist exportlastcollection
- To accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).
racadm supportassist accepteula
- To check the End User License Agreement (EULA) status.
racadm supportassist geteulastatus
- To register the iDRAC for SupportAssist features.
racadm supportassist register -pfname micheal -plname dell -pmnumber 9999988888 -panumber 8888899999 -pmailid micheal_dell@dell.com -sfname sourav -slname ganguly -smnumber 9999977777 -sanumber 7777799999 -smailid sourav_ganguly@dell.com -company dell -street1 bagmanetechpark -street2 cvramannagar -city bangalore -state karnataka -country india -zip 560093
- To upload the last collection to the Dell SupportAssist server.
racadm supportassist uploadlastcollection
- To expose the iSM installer to the host OS for the iSM installation.
racadm supportassist exposeisminstallertohostos
- To Schedule auto collection of SupportAssist data weekly.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 4:05am -dow sunday -rp weekly
- To schedule auto collection of the SupportAssist data monthly.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 7:55pm -dom 20 -rp monthly
- To schedule auto collection of the SupportAssist data quarterly.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 7:55am -wom 2 -dow monday -rp quarterly
- To view the auto collection data.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler view
- To clear the auto collection data.
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler clear